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About Us

Our names are Jonathan and Rebecca. We got married in 2007, had our first child in 2008, and followed that up with 4 more shortly after. By the time I (Rebecca) was 26 our little family was complete (though we always have an open hand in case God wants to change that sentence). 

Jonathan was a corporal in the RCMP—the federal police up in Canada. This meant that we moved a lot and our family functioned in a pretty typical manner for a number of years. I was young (younger than him) and his career took center stage. As for me, being a homeschool mom was all I ever wanted and dreamed of, but finding myself immersed in the world I am ashamed to admit I was discontent. Isn't that the way of things? We run after some goal and when we finally arrive all we can think is what next? 

On the side I tried many different things. I felt like there was so much more to me and while I threw all of my energy into being a good homemaker, a good mother, a good worship leader at our church, and a good wife . . . a drivenness inside of me propelled me forward into the unknown. I opened a pottery business (knowing nothing of pottery) and continued with that until the Lord told me this wasn't the right season. With my sister-in-law I started up a sewing business and was very successful until I decided I hated sewing. I sold things on the side such as Usborne or Mary Kay. And in my free time, I wrote on my personal blog for a pretty limited audience of family and friends. But God. 

The story is long, too long for this particular post. Fast forward many years and I felt led to start a homeschool publishing company and write curriculum. It took off. It was like this was what I had been waiting and preparing for all my life. The more invested I became, the more balls were dropped. Jonathan was still heavily involved in his career, working ever-changing shifts and helping me on the side. As we considered establishing a base of operations in the United States, we knew we had a big decision to make. It would cost us everything. Jonathan would have to leave the RCMP—something he had invested in for about 15 years. It was his ministry, his calling, much of his identity even. We would have to leave family, friends, everything we had ever known to go out into the land the Lord would give us. We didn't have any direction of where we were going, when, or what it would look like, but in obedience we bought an RV and packed up our family and drove. 

There are a lot of missing pieces to the story, but the big picture is that we are a family who walks by faith and not sight. Our story has been marked by small leaps of faith (that felt impossibly big at the time) over and over again. We go where He says to go. We do what He says to do. Our life is not our own. Our finances are not our own. Our business(es) are not our own. Every yes we have said to Jesus has taken us farther away from what we imagined for ourselves and farther toward a life we could have never dreamed of. 

It is hard. It is costly. Our only qualifications are our own testimonies and relationships with the Holy Spirit. We are not here of our own accord or by our own strength. I still feel sometimes like we have no idea where we are going or what comes next . . . but I march to a new beat. My drive is no longer how high I can reach or how much I can do but rather how well I can hear. 

We are just followers of Jesus—your brother and sister in Christ. We are parents. We are husband and wife. We are no one and nothing. But in Him . . . we have everything. 

Rebecca and Jonathan